Table of Contents

How to stream with B.U.T.T.

Get the software

All the hardware you need is a computer with an Internet access. The easiest and most professional software to stream is BUTT :Broadcast Using this tool. You can download it here: If you have an old OS (10.6.8 for example), download an old version here If you have problems with installing the file, how to repair

If you have Linux, you can compile it (easily:) : see below


At the first launch you must configure the software. Click the [settings <] button.

server settings TAB

This is the configuration of your streaming server and metadata. ADD Server Click Add, and then edit with: - nom : - type : icecast - address : - port : 80 - password : XXX - mountpoint : YYY - Icecast user : source

ADD Stream Infos Click add and then edit with: - name : choose one (no funny character) - description : choose one (no funny character) - url : - genre : Live

Audio TAB

This is the configuration of your audio device and streaming encoding. Main Audio Settings - Audio Device : Choose your sound card or “Default PCM device” to use the one used by your system. - Channel : Stereo - Samplerate : 48000Hz

Streaming - Codec : MP3 or OGG depending on your mointpoint!! - Bitrate : 128k (ok), 192k (good), 320k (best) depending on your Internet connection


Click play! The timer should start and you should see : “stream time”

Test the stream

You can listen to your stream on the ∏node homepage. It will appear under the name you have entered. It should be on the top of the list if you entered “Live” as genre in the metadata.

go further with the BUTT manual

Compile Butt for Linux the file here 2. decompress it on the computer 3. open a terminal and go to this decompressed folder (“cd /home/…./Downloads/butt-0.1.19”) 4. install dependencies

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install libfltk1.3-dev portaudio19-dev libopus-dev libmp3lame-dev libvorbis-dev libogg-dev libflac-dev libfdk-aac-dev libdbus-1-dev libsamplerate0-dev

<HTML><ol start=“5” style=“list-style-type: decimal;”></HTML> <HTML><li></HTML>then …<HTML></li></HTML><HTML></ol></HTML>

sudo make install

Launch butt typing “butt” in a terminal

For more infos, see