====== IRC THEATER ======
IRC Theater is a sound stream that uses a speech to text system to ouput a stream from the ΠNode IRC / chat.
**Git and code**
Find sources at this gitlab repository :
**IRC control commands**
command @help will display help.
command @ls will list tracks in music directory.
command @track will play a track if the track is loaded on the server, and if the name is indicated.
@track= : play track
command @url= will play a stream in background of the patirc stream (you can use different http sources like Youtube or Soundcloud).
command @url2= will play a second stream in the background of the patirc stream (you can use different http sources like Youtube or Soundcloud).
command @voltrack will set volume for track. Enter a value between 0 and 1.
command @volurl will set volume for the primary background stream. Enter a value between 0 and 1.
@volurl= : set volume for url
command @volurl2 will set volume for the secondary background stream. Enter a value between 0 and 1.
@volurl2= : set volume for url2
command @enlogs will enable or disable logs to speech
command @panic will launch panic mode !!!
@panic= : panic !!!
command # allows to forbid to send to the TTS the arguments in the chat that are right after the last #
for example : ça permet de ne pas envoyer sur le stream ce qui est après le dernier # dans une phrase