====== π-box - How to build an antenna ====== ---- ===== Material ===== {{ :documentation:400px-ANTENNA.jpeg|frame|none]] ∏-Box Antenna Ready to Broadcast * One Coaxial T {{ :documentation:CoaxTbis.jpg?nolink |}} * One Coaxial female adaptor {{ :documentation:CoaxFabis.jpg?nolink |}} * 2 Coaxial Telescopic Antennas {{ :documentation:CoaxAntbis.jpg?nolink |}} * Coaxial RG 174 wire {{ :documentation:Wirebis.jpg?nolink |}} * 1 GPIO Jumper (needs only 2 slots) {{ :documentation:JumperGPIO.jpg?nolink |}} ===== Other Needs ===== * soldering station * tape ===== Tutorial ===== First, prepare the Wire, connect the wire to the coaxial female adaptator. {{ :documentation:TTEr2.jpg?nolink |}} {{ :documentation:TTEr5.jpg?nolink |}} Connect the wire to the GPIO Jumper. {{ :documentation:TTEr4.jpg?nolink |}} Add some tape. {{ :documentation:TTEr3.jpg?nolink |}} The wire is ready, now let's make the antenna open the coaxial T, take off the balloon, disconnect one output, break the cover of the side coaxial output. {{ :documentation:OpenTBis.jpg?nolink |}} cover it back with tape, open slightly the male plug so it can host one telescopic antenna then connect the wire. {{ :documentation:GPIOs.png|frame|none]] last, connect the Antenna to the Rasperri Pi on GPIO 4 (ports 7) & GROUND (ports 9) {{ :documentation:Antennafinish.jpg?nolink |}} {{ :documentation:AntennaRady.jpg?nolink |}} Ready for transmission ! ---- ===== Measure ===== {{ :documentation:800px-DipoleAlu.jpg?nolink |}} Test transmission with pi-box + dipole antenna made with rigid aluminium tube {{ :documentation:800px-Dipolecuivrecable.jpg?nolink |}} Test transmission with pi-box + dipole antenna made with flexible copper cable {{ :documentation:800px-SansAntenne.jpg?nolink |}} Test transmission with pi-box without antenna {{ :documentation:800px-Velo.jpg?nolink |}} Test transmission with transmitter 5 watts (?) with an antenna fixed to a bike (a bike as antenna) ===== Theorical ressources ===== ==== Understand and measure antennas ==== * http://wiki.electrolab.fr/Projets:Lab:2015:Tuto_VNWA:Les_Antennes_introduction * http://wiki.electrolab.fr/Projets:Lab:2015:Tuto_VNWA:Les_Antennes ==== Technical ressources ==== * Simple dipole antenna by Tetsuo Kogawa https://anarchy.translocal.jp/radio/micro/howtomakeantenna200708.pdf * Antenne dipole http://www.petoindominique.fr/php/antenne.php * Antennas types and calculs http://exam2ham.free.fr/donnees/antennes.html * How to calculate the lenght of a 1/4 wave or 1/2 wave antenne ? http://www.bmweb.fr/radio/mat_antennes.php * Basics of the antennas [[BAsicsOnAntennas-an-00500.pdf|BAsicsOnAntennas-an-00500.pdf]] * Build a low tech antenna with agricultural material https://www.instructables.com/id/Low-Power-FM-Transmitter-Antenna-From-Agricultural/ For example, to build a dipôle antenna for 108 MHz frequency, with 2 tubes of coper, the global lenght of the antenna will be 1389 mm, if we let 1 cm of space between the 2 tubes of coper, then each tube must mesure ~ 68,9 cm {{ :documentation:IMG_2919.redim.jpg?nolink |}} ==== Pre built antennas ==== * [https://www.passion-radio.com/fr/antennes/antenne-ant500-74.html](https://www.passion-radio.com/fr/antennes/antenne-ant500-74.html](télescopic (hackrf antenna)) * more expensive https://www.passion-radio.com/fr/fixe/super-discone-264.html * pro [http://radiotelevision.free.fr/index1.html http://radiotelevision.free.fr/index1.html http://www.broadcast-eletec.com/equipement-fm/antenne-demission-fm/]